Selected publications
Knuth, Sarah E. (2019). "Whatever Happened to Green Collar Jobs? Populism and Clean Energy Transition." Annals of the American Association of Geographers 109(2): 634-643. Knuth, Sarah (2019). "Cities and Planetary Repair: The Problem with Climate Retrofitting." Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 51(2): 487-504. Knuth, Sarah, Potts, Shaina & Goldstein, Jennifer E. (2019). "In Value’s Shadows: Devaluation as Accumulation Frontier." Environment and Planning A 51(2): 461-466. Cantor, Alida & Knuth, Sarah (2019). "Speculations on the Postnatural: Restoration, Accumulation, and Sacrifice at the Salton Sea." Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 51(2): 527-544. Knuth, Sarah (2019). "Review: 'Pictures of a Gone City: Tech and the Dark Side of Prosperity in the San Francisco Bay Area' by Richard Walker. Oakland: PM Press, 2018." Antipode online, March 2019. https://radicalantipode.files.wordpress.com/2019/03/book-review_knuth-on-walker.pdf Knuth, Sarah (2018). “Breakthroughs” for a Green Economy? Financialization and Clean Energy Transition. Energy Research and Social Science 41: 220-229. Knuth, Sarah (2018). "Book Review Forum: 'DIY Detroit: Making Do in a City Without Services' by Kimberley Kinder, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2016." The AAG Review of Books 6(3): 218-219. Knuth, Sarah (2017) “Green Devaluation: Disruption, Divestment, and Decommodification for a Green Economy" Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, Special Issue: The Value of Capitalist Natures, Kelly Kay and Miles Kenney-Lazar, Eds., Forthcoming 2017 Davidson, Mark, Ward, Kevin, Jonas, Andrew E.G., Knuth, Sarah, Weber, Rachel, Wilson, David & Sbragia, Alberta (2017). "Book Review Forum: 'Debt Wish: Entrepreneurial Cities, US Federalism, and Economic Development' by Alberta Sbragia." Urban Geography 38(8): 1282-1289. Knuth, Sarah (2016) "Seeing Green in San Francisco: City as Resource Frontier" Antipode 48.3: 626-644. Knuth, Sarah and Potts, Shaina (2016) “Editors' Introduction: Legal Geographies of Finance,” Theme Issue: Legal Geographies of Finance, Environment and Planning A, 48.3: 458-464. Knuth, S. (2016). "Review: 'The Great Leveler: Capitalism and Competition in the Court of Law' by Brett Christophers, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2016." Journal of Historical Geography, 57: 118-119. Knuth, Sarah (2015) “Global Finance and the Land Grab: Mapping 21st Century Strategies,” Canadian Journal of Development Studies 36.2: 163-178, Special Issue: Elites and Global Land Deals, Sara Keene, Marygold Walsh-Dilley, Wendy Wolford, and Charles Geisler, Eds. Knuth, Sarah (2010) “Addressing Place in Climate Change Mitigation: Reducing Emissions in a Suburban Landscape,” Applied Geography 30.4: 518-531. Knuth, Sarah; Nagle, Brandi; Steuer, Christopher; and Yarnal, Brent (2007) “Universities and Climate Change Mitigation: Advancing Grassroots Climate Policy in the US,” Local Environment 12.5: 485-504, Invited Submission to Special Issue: Looking Back and Thinking Ahead: A Decade of Cities and Climate Change Research, Michele Betsill and Harriet Bulkeley, Eds. |